Fruitables Project

Fruitables Project: Harrow

There are 4 Harrow schools taking part in the project:

Weald Junior School

Norbury Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School

Kenmore Park Infant and Junior Schools

What needs did we identify?

Harrow Joint Health and Well Being Strategy (JSNA- Harrow 2012) identifies healthy eating, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight among the important lifestyle factors for primary prevention. 20% of Harrow adults are obese, which is slightly higher than the London average.  A high proportion of Harrovians are eating the recommended 5 fruit and vegetables a day, but not in the more deprived parts of the borough. These areas are parts of south Harrow, Kenton and Wealdstone (JSNA – Harrow 2012). Reducing the proportion of children and adults with excess weight and increasing the proportion of physically active adults are two of the outcome measures in the local Health and Well Being Strategy Implementation Plan.

What outcomes did we focus on?

  1. Increase fresh fruit and vegetable consumption in families
  2. Increase variety of fruit and vegetables eaten
  3. Develop and improve skills for work or business in parent volunteers

What activities/ interventions did we put in place?

This project has set up 4 fresh fruit and vegetable stalls in four schools in Harrow. Healthy eating and cooking workshops will run alongside the stalls to help parents make best use of the produce. Alongside the stalls, parents are receiving business skills training to be able to run and manage the stalls themselves.

What did we achieve, and how did we know?

Stalls have been set up. Initial reception by parents and schools is beyond expectations. It is too early to draw conclusions on achievement but the project had a very good start.

What will we do next?

After evaluating the project, there is potential to expand the project to other schools.

Steve Porter, Project Manager from Third Sector Potential, CIC said:

‘The enthusiasm from parents and schools for this project has been nothing less than fantastic. This is about communities coming together to help themselves, improve their health and develop a new business. My involvement is what gets me up in the morning with a smile on my face. Well done Harrow Council.’  

Cllr Simon Williams, portfolio holder for Health & Well Being said:

'We're exploring a number of ways in which we can encourage healthier lifestyles to address the serious problems associated with obesity. This trial project will help parents improve their cooking skills to prepare healthier meals for the whole family, particularly eating more fresh fruit and vegetable.'

Healthy Eating: 