Cavendish Primary School Walking and Running Club

Cavendish Primary is a one form entry school in Chiswick, west Hounslow. It is located a few minutes from the River Thames. Simon Shand, a Year 6 Teacher,    started the walking &amp; running club 3 years ago and the school have seen walking rates increase by 15% from 64% to 79% during that time. This initiative    has helped them achieve the Outstanding level of Accreditation from TfL.</p><p>    The club is run every Friday lunchtime, and take approx 40min, with 20min for lunch. Pupils can sign up at any point throughout the year. The walking club    is run with years 3 &amp; 4 and the running club with years 5 &amp; 6. Two teachers are needed to accompany the children. Pupils automatically graduate    from the walking club to running club and approx half of the school takes part in each club.</p><p>    The main objective is to give pupils who don’t like team sport the chance to keep fit, get out of school and get some fresh air, and to be inclusive; all    the pupils start at the same level the key is to build up gradually.</p>

Physical Activity: 
Increasing Participation
School Clubs