Isleworth Town Primary Bike and Scooter Hire Scheme

Isleworth Town primary is a 2 (about to be 3) form entry school is Isleworth. In 2009 they got a free cycle shed from TfL as they had just completed their    Travel Plan. The Assistant Head, Sarah Haws, noticed it wasn’t being used much, after speaking to parents and pupils she found out that bike ownership was    quite low and that if pupils could borrow a bike or scooter they would love to cycle or scoot in and parents would be happy for them to do this.

In 2010 she successfully applied for funding from the School Travel Advisor at the Hounslow Council and purchased all the equipment. Teachers and Junior Road Safety Officers run it every week after school and it a fantastic success. There is a nominal £1 fee to rent the equipment and £5 refundable deposit. It has raised awareness of travelling sustainably and being healthy and active    on the journey to school, with the additional benefit of reducing car use and congestion making the area outside the school safer. Cycling rates have gone from 0% in 2009 to a heady 6% in 2010 and stabilising at 3% which is above the average for London.

Physical Activity: 
Active travel to/from School
Cycle Storage
Increasing Participation